




We are adding memories of Omer (in no particular order). If you have one or more stories you are willing to contribute, please send them to webmaster@shenkers.com.


Born, September 10, at Soroka Hospital, Be'er Sheva, Israel. First child of Mark and Naomi Shenker. Omer came home to Kibbutz Shoval a few days later.

Sept. Omer came home in the middle of a 'chamseen' (a hot, suffocating, desert wind). We wanted to make sure to protect our first child. At the hospital we wrapped him in a sweater and several blankets. Arriving home on the kibbutz, we gingerly peeled away the layers of the large bundle to reveal a tiny, scrawny, and very smelly child, frighteningly small. We did not have a clue how to make the much needed change of diaper.
Sept. Omer's circumcision was delayed by a day because it would have coincided with Yom Kippur. It was the last time he was the primary participant in a Jewish ceremony until his memorial service. Not much of a record - hard to blame him though, given that first experience...
Year Like all children on the kibbutz, Omer lived in the children's houses. He started out in the Baby House with another five children born during the same period. They had two full-time caretakers, trained in caring for infants.
Year We would take Omer in his stroller to the gate of the kibbutz to watch the activity on the road that skirted the kibbutz. He would watch intently as the occasional car, truck, bus, tractor, or donkey-riding Bedouin passed. He did not realize that grown-ups could see over the curve in the road and he was amazed and properly impressed by our ability to “predict” a vehicle seconds before it arrived. We would make a movement of our hands as if conjuring up the vehicle and he would strain forward to see what he so firmly believed would arrive any second. His grin of appreciation made us feel ruefully amused.
1985 Omer's family moved to London, England.

February - the family moved to Brookline, Massachusetts, in the U.S. Omer attended kindergarten at a Brookline public school.

June - the family moved to Houston, Texas

September - Omer began first grade at the Irvin M. Shlenker School.

July At age 10, Omer traveled by himself to visit his grandparents in Scotland. He wrote home.

August - Omer began middle school (sixth grade) at T.H. Rogers, part of the Houston Independent School District (HISD).

T.H. Rogers Middle School, a program for gifted children, was the first place that Omer spent time with other children like himself. He blossomed in the school's nurturing atmosphere, for the first time finding a group of friends who recognized a kindred spirit.
Year The PC/Mac wars raged throughout the first two years of middle school, with Omer bravely taking the Mac side. The debates and jokes were endless. For the first time Omer had found friends who shared the quirky humor and intense interests that are so typical of gifted children. T.H. Rogers Middle School, a small school for gifted children, was a haven for Omer. He made solid friendships some of which lasted his life.
Spring Omer managed to make the state finals of the Geography Bee when he was in 7th grade, at Rogers. I accompanied him to Fort Worth and we both realized quickly that he was, for once, way out of his league. Geography had been one of his consuming interests. The walls of his room were plastered with National Geographic maps from all around the world and he would hover near them, absorbing every detail. But the students who reached the final had apparently been obsessed, not just consumed. The questions were extremely difficult and Omer was out of the competition after the second round. He seemed to take it in his stride, genuinely impressed by the small group of children who were so obviously way ahead. He was wryly amused by the obsessive nature of the winning children, shaking his head as he described some of the antics that occurred out of sight of the audience. It was almost as though he were relieved to find that what looked like his own obsessive interest (when compared to others at his school) had been put in perspective.
1997 August - Omer began high school at Bellaire Senior High, also part of HISD.
Fall Omer was a member of the Math Club at Bellaire. He recounted how the other members, who were almost all Asians, asked him if he was Jewish. At that stage, Omer did not consider himself Jewish, not being a believer, so he answered, "No." This was met by puzzled looks, "So how come you are so good at math?"

On our trip to Virginia, it didn’t take us long to realize that we were not going to remember all the weird and wonderful things we would see. Somewhere between the billboard in Vidor, Texas inviting passer-bys to kill their wives and the state road signs that were too small to show the entire outline of Louisiana, we knew we were in for some good Americana. Omer got out a notebook and in his chicken-scrawl kept our log for the rest of the long, two-day journey from Houston to Williamsburg, Virginia.
As we skimmed across the endless, shimmering interstates of August, we laughed, rolled eyes, and exchanged looks of wonder. This was Omer’s journey from childhood to adulthood, from home to college, from dependence to independence. That’s what it felt like at the time and we both reveled in it. We were putting behind us the bleak battles of adolescence and depression. Ahead lay an opportunity both of us were excited about. For two days we traveled in a cocoon of camaraderie, laughter, relaxed friendship, and anticipation. The rest of the world slid silently by outside the air-conditioned comfort of our car.
In the afternoon of the second day, as we raced up the length of Virginia’s spine, we were both struck by the under-stated beauty of the Appalachians. The twisting road was a reprise of farm-filled valleys, orchards, and comfortable, wooded glens. The road built to a scenic crescendo culminating in our arrival in Williamsburg. We spent that afternoon exploring some of the William & Mary campus, scoping out the dorm and parking that would allow us the next day to unload the collection of electronic devices that seemed to make up the majority of the Omer’s baggage.
The next day we lugged everything up three flights of stairs and I sat panting on Omer’s bed as he quietly set up all his equipment, tested (and approved) the network speed, hung the posters he had chosen to bring. We chatted with his roommate and his roommate’s mother and then I said goodbye to Omer. I told him he should let me know if he had any problems and he solemnly nodded. Uncharacteristically, he thanked me for the long trip and my help and then turned to begin his new life.
As I drove the much longer road back to Houston I was devastated by a feeling of loss. I had lost a friend and it had happened totally without warning. I was unprepared for the depth of feeling that brought tears to my eyes. Of course, I had no clue that it was but a pale foreshadowing of the loss I was to later feel. Somewhere in our house may still be that log Omer kept. I am looking.

August - Omer started at the College of William & Mary, in Williamsburg, Virginia. He started as a sophomore because of 60 credits earned through AP tests.

Thanksgiving His first dorm room configuration was a pair of double rooms with a bathroom shared between them. Cleaning the bathroom, or the rest of the room, was not a popular (or commonly performed) task. On Omer's first trip home, his urgent shopping list was topped by air fresheners. He took back a dozen in his suitcase.
Feb. Omer was an ardent instant messenger. He would chat with me (his father) fairly frequently but I also learned to expect the unexpected. A message popped up one day while I was deep in the analysis of data, "How do you iron a shirt?" Clearly, Omer did not leave home with all the skills he needed for college. I was not able to answer that question over AIM but we did talk by phone.
Oct. Omer adapted a program to track data about his instant messaging. One of the statistics he collected, and made available for people to see, concerned the average length of words used by his "buddies." I was pleased to see that Ellie was near the top of the list (another verbally gifted child) but I decided that I also needed to be up there. I started dropping the spaces between words and my messageslookedlikethis. Omer was both amused and annoyed and half-heartedly threatened to cut off my access to him. I gave up, but only after a few more messages - justtoshowhimIwasn'tintimidated.
2003 November - Omer was forced to take a medical withdrawal from college.

Omer took his own life, sometime during the night of March 29/30.

Memorial service for Omer, April 2.

Copyright 2004-2008, Mark & Naomi Shenker. All rights reserved.